Photo Credit: MSB
"If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic."
- Hazel Henderson
Times ... they are a changin'
The Northern Geriatric Committee (NWGC) has been addressing the needs of seniors and geriatric professionals for over 25 years. What will the next 25 years be like? How about the next 3? Many of the same important issues, such as affordable health care and the "new normal" in the post-COVID19 pandemic era will continue to be the focus of attention. Although many issues remain the same, many options have changed as well. Managed care, the Affordable Care Act and the budget constraints on government agencies will continue to change the way health care is delivered. People are living longer and the older adult population is growing at an accelerating rate.
The Silver Tsunami has begun to hit our shores and this rising tide will float all boats.
This is an exciting and challenging time to be working in the field of aging, senior health and living options - please join with us as we continue to learn, grow, collaborate, create and celebrate! We welcome your participation and hope you will become part of our network and assist us with our future goals.